Giuseppe Tartini - Lettere e documenti / Pisma in dokumenti / Letters and Documents - Volume / Knjiga / Volume II

457 LETTERS language Pythagoras and Plato hid the foundations of that numerical science in musical principles – something that is considered to be fanaticism by modern philosophers, but which from the content of the document is shown to have such a great reality that widely exceeds the hypothesis of point, line and surface in geometry (and indeed, by how much!) – I shall very willingly place in the hands of Your Reverence the true key with the sole condition that you do not show it to anybody for the present, since with divine help this numerical science, which Plato calls the arithmetic of philosophers, will shortly appear in public. From Padre Negri himself Your Reverence will receive a package of dinner silverware and other [?] for his cousin the nun, to whom you will have the kindness of having it delivered through Signor Don Antonio, who humbly and cordially reveres you and who is presently residing and living with me in my house after my wife’s death: the fruit of fifty years of true and saintly friendship. I ask you then to help us to thank God for His blessing on the two of us; and, while entreating you to bestow my most humble respects on Signor Cavaliere Broschi, who may God bless and preserve for his and our glory, with ever greater obligation and respect I remain Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 7 April 1769 Padre Negri will not be in Bologna until after the middle of the present month. 174. Tartini to his nephew Pietro in Trieste Padua, 14 April 1769 I am writing to you and replying with that confidence and freedom which age and blood allow me, and to which our present circumstances oblige me as a duty of conscience. Firstly, I thank you for the service carried out with me for the death of my wife, I thank both you and the lady your consort, whom I humbly revere, for the spiritual intercession carried out for the soul of the deceased. I am also pleased for you for the advantages you reap there with your skill and care in the service given by you to the noble company about which you gave me details. And finally I come to the present circumstances of our family, to which, through the death of my wife and the execution of my will while I am still alive, God wishes to reveal a new sky and earth. May the same God cause you to listen to me with your heart, so that my feelings can make their due impression on you. I do not at all wish to examine your behaviour with your kin. If I listen to all those in the family, all unanimously relate that you act like a merchant a