Giuseppe Tartini - Lettere e documenti / Pisma in dokumenti / Letters and Documents - Volume / Knjiga / Volume II
456 for their own intrinsic nature, independently of science, of opinion, and of determined proportion, so that any given ratio, solitary and separated from proportion or series, is harmonic per se . If this takes place demonstratively and physically, as appears in the dissertation, Your Reverence immediately sees the very important consequences which derive from this. The mathematical world has hitherto drawn upon and continues to draw upon geometry. If my assumption is right, after almost two thousand years, Plato’s text, which clearly calls geometry the minister of the harmonic science grasped by him, but always concealed, will be verified. The second is that speaking yesterday to Signor Dottor Antonio about my care to provide Your Reverence with good tobacco without being able to find it, he has given me a suggestion that was very welcome to me, but he hasn’t given me the time to try it out, as he is leaving for Bologna tomorrow. I shall then look for it with the utmost care, and if I find it of such a nature that I can procure it, I shall have it delivered to Padre Paolucci in Venice. For now, may Your Reverence remember me in your holy services, and I with holy enthusiasm shall do and am doing the same with St Anthony, and with greater and greater deference I cordially remain Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 4 September 1768 I beg you to convey my most profound regards to Cavaliere Broschi, whose hands I would like to kiss before my death, but I fear that my wish will in vain: too bad. 173. Tartini to G.B. Martini From the most famous Padre Negri, 106 who has gloriously filled Padua with his spirit through his preaching, Your Reverence will receive a bottle with two pounds of precious Paduan tobacco, which I have finally managed to obtain after many fruitless attempts and searches, and which I am proud of, given its distinct quality. Together with it you will receive a small booklet, issued in print a few days ago, and produced by an anonymous author in my defence against an article by Monsieur Rousseau. I ask Your Reverence to do me the favour of examining it and having it examined by those who practice the mathematical disciplines. Both these items are accompanied by a letter of mine to Your Reverence, in which I further explain myself on the matter of the document. If, then, you are curious to understand and know in what way and with what 106 Negri, Gaspare (1697-1778). Born in Venice on 22 April, bishop of Cittanova and of Parenzo. See Lucchese, 2006: pp. 289-303.
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