Giuseppe Tartini - Lettere e documenti / Pisma in dokumenti / Letters and Documents - Volume / Knjiga / Volume II

453 LETTERS 168. Pietro Pompeo Sales 102 to Martini My obligation is to convey my regards to you and inform you, thank heaven, of the good success of my toils, as Signor Ugolini, who has done everything in his power to favour me, and who is a most worthy professor, can tell you. I have been called to my service with haste, so I shall therefore kiss your hands another time Padua, 5 July 1767 your most humble obliged servant Pompeo Sales [in Tartini’s hand] Tartini, here present at the departure of your most worthy and most famous student, who leaves in Padua a glorious memory of himself, conveys his regards to Your Reverence, and more and more cordially prays to God for your health. [in Ferrandini’s hand] Ferrandini bows devotedly to Your Reverence and rejoices with you in the excellent success that Signor Maestro Sales, your worthy disciple, has had in Padua to universal applause, and I newly revere you with every regard. 169. Tartini to G.B. Martini I give myself the merit and honour of introducing Your Reverence to a prodigy I too have encountered, and for whom we must all, as many as we are, thank God for the gifts he bestows on human nature. I ask Your Reverence, therefore, to listen to this young man play the violin, and then tell me if I am exaggerating, or if on the contrary I am telling less than the truth. I want to be convinced that Your Reverence will tell Signor Cavaliere Broschi of this wonder. If that is so, I beg you to convey to him my most reverent regards, and assure him that for as long as I live, he has and shall have in me someone to commend him heartily to St Anthony, as I do and shall do for Your Reverence, to whom I owe much, and to whom, conveying my most humble regards, as ever I declare myself Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 10 July 1767 102 The composer Pietro Pompeo Sales (1729-1797) composed an opera for Padua in 1767. See A. Layer and S. Hörner, “Sales, Pietro Pompeo”, in Ng, vol. 22.