Giuseppe Tartini - Lettere e documenti / Pisma in dokumenti / Letters and Documents - Volume / Knjiga / Volume II

446 162. Tartini to G.B. Martini The most kind letter written by Your Reverence has been a source of honour and consolation for me, and if we add the news given to me by Signor Antonio Vandini of your state of health, which is better than last year, I thank God distinctly both for you and for me, and I shall pray to Him for as long as I live that He preserves this spiritual good for me with news of your continuing health. What Your Reverence now writes to me about Signor Don Antonio Costa 99 (this is his surname) does not surprise me; for you can imagine that the initial impact of such a novelty, namely this attempt at a music always in inversion, we have received here with much greater force from his guitar, where the effect is truly unique, because the intention and execution are from the same head and the same hands. He is a patron and friend of mine, and Your Reverence should be assured that in one way or another I shall be able to meet your wishes with someone of the same trio. I would have done it by now, but while the autumn lasts, it will be difficult for me owing to his personal commitment with a person in a patrician house of the Veneto, which keeps him away from his own house. Meanwhile, I convey to you my most cordial and respectful regards, and as ever I remain Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 20 September 1766 163. Tartini to J.G. Neumann If Her Royal Electoral Highness wishes to have at her service the young player from the Mendicants, 100 the easy way to have her would be to guarantee the young woman a husband; he is in Venice and ready to marry her, and he is a certain Giuseppe Scoti from Cremona, a tenor of good voice and disposition. According to the laws of their statute, the holy institution of the Mendicants does not permit the removal of the daughters educated there unless it is either to become a nun or to get married. In the latter case there is a rigorous examination of whether the man’s status is sufficient to honestly maintain his wife, for whom, if she sings, assurance must be given on the 99 Costa, Antonio (ca. 1714-ca. 1780). See A. Alcaide, "Costa family", in Ng. 100 Maddalena Lombardini Sirmen.