Giuseppe Tartini - Lettere e documenti / Pisma in dokumenti / Letters and Documents - Volume / Knjiga / Volume II

443 LETTERS Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 14 May 1762 158. Tartini to G.B. Martini I have received, in your wonderful duets, 97 the favours of Your Reverence, to whom I find myself more and more indebted. In a few days, I shall have the pleasure of hearing them well performed, having placed them in the hands of people suited to the need, so that they may perform them properly. Your Reverence is continually acquiring new merits from our profession, all of which is committed to praying to God for a long life and perfect health so that you can continue the benefits undertaken. On my part, I am sure I am one of the very first contributors to this vow, although my old age should not make me hope to be part of it; but I am nonetheless more than pleased about the good of other people. I, in particular, am an old debtor of yours with regard to many things. The one that is most urgent for me is the tobacco, but my urgency has hitherto been useless, as the inferior stuff is certainly not [good enough], and the channel from which the good stuff used to flow has been locked up for more than a year with a key of extreme rigour. Nonetheless, I am busying myself with all my strength to discover another that is its equal, but the fact is that hitherto I have not succeeded. He who persists, conquers, and if I did not have this hope, I would be angry. Please continue to bestow upon me your patronage and your love, while I convey to you my most cordial and most respectful regards, as ever I remain Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 9 December 1763 97 Most likely this refers to the Duetti da camera dedicated to Maria Antonietta Walpurgis of Bavaria (Bologna, Dalla Volpe, 1763).