Giuseppe Tartini - Lettere e documenti / Pisma in dokumenti / Letters and Documents - Volume / Knjiga / Volume II
440 It has been for a long while, by the grace of God, that the world has become odious enough to me. But after this case the hatred has grown so much in me that if I could hide myself from the entire human race, so that nothing more were known about me, either alive or dead, I would pay with my life itself. May Your Reverence defend me before everyone and pray to God that He give me the necessary patience, because for two entire days I was about to go insane. I submit to you my regards, and I remain Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 11 December 1761 155. Tartini to G.B. Martini These are the two most famous gentlemen, the Pla Brothers, 94 I told Your Reverence about in another letter of mine. It is all too right that they should meet Your Reverence, our honour and glory of Italy; and that Your Reverence should meet them, glory and honour of our universal profession. To sum up, God creates men and then puts them together. On my part, I confess to you, with that sincerity existing between the two of us, that I have received as a special grace from St Anthony the opportunity to meet, hear and debate with them for a few days. It is certain that God has wished to distinctly glorify Himself among us with these two individuals, and I have considered them, and shall consider them, as a sanctuary. I hope Your Reverence will enjoy their company as much as they will enjoy yours; and may the three of you together remember me, as I remember and shall continue to remember you to my dear St Anthony for the rest of my life. May Your Reverence, in due time, give me notice thereof, by means of letter, and wishing you perfect health so that you can fulfil your worthiest endeavour, with all my heart I bow down and remain Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 7 May 1762 94 See Beryl Kenyon de Pascual, “Pla”, in Ng.
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