Giuseppe Tartini - Lettere e documenti / Pisma in dokumenti / Letters and Documents - Volume / Knjiga / Volume II
436 150. Tartini to G.B. Martini I have received Your Reverence’s most kind letter from Signor Giuseppe Tibaldi, recommending him to me. You should imagine something which is absolutely true: that I had wished to meet this most worthy virtuoso long before Your Reverence’s letter. Then, just imagine that I met him for the first time as Your Reverence’s student, and with a letter of yours recommending him to me. So Your Reverence can already form a true idea of my pleasure at having met him, and of the warm interest and care I shall have for him. He is such that, wherever he goes, he recommends himself. Yet I also dare to wish that, although he is like that, an opportunity will arise for me to explain my heart to him and to Your Reverence through facts, and not through words. Meanwhile I thank you, as much as I can and am able, for the patiently endured inconvenience of receiving what I addressed to you from Signor Nardini 91 and of having to forward it to Florence to Signor Dottor Bertini. I pray God to allow me also to do something for Your Reverence, whom I infinitely love and hold in esteem, but for now I can do nothing but wish that God may reward you. Continue to bestow your love upon me and be assured as ever that I am, cordially, as I remain Your Reverence’s most devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 6 June 1761 151. Tartini to G.B. Martini I shall not miss the good opportunity of sending Your Reverence another two pounds of tobacco, which I believe to be perfect, by means of the bearer of this letter of mine, the most virtuous violin professor, currently serving under His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Prussia. I shall be pleased if he makes the acquaintance of Your Reverence as a most distinguished person who honours our profession and Italy itself. If something unique in our particular art of the violin is to be found there, I pray Your Reverence to let him hear it, as he travels in order to further his education and profit from any opportunity he finds. I therefore heartily commend him to you, while conveying to you my most reverent regards I remain as ever 91 See Letter 148.
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