Giuseppe Tartini - Lettere e documenti / Pisma in dokumenti / Letters and Documents - Volume / Knjiga / Volume II
434 not reading, but rather devouring your book, and it is impossible for me to grasp its true spirit the first time. Having appeased my curiosity and truly violent yearning, I shall read it again with leisure and shall form my observations. Inevitably Your Reverence will have to put up with some from me, as I absolutely wish to understand everything in depth. I know full well that I shall say some absurdities, but I have no embarrassment in saying them to Your Reverence, to whom I would tell all of my sins even outside confession. I convey to you my most cordial regards, as I do to the Most Illustrious Signor Dottor Balbi, and remain as ever Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 20 February 1761 147. Tartini to G.B. Martini Here is a new provision of our Paduan tobacco for Your Reverence, as the opportunity of a trip made there by my student Signor Zanobi Bigazzi, bearer of the present letter, makes it easy for me to send it safely and without expense to you, and it gives me the pleasure of allowing my student to become acquainted with your worthiest Person. I have hitherto not read but devoured your whole book. I shall go back and read it again, to understand it fully, but of course I am proceeding slowly both because this is not reading, but study, and also because my present circumstances are most troublesome, and only allow me to study in an interrupted manner and for brief periods; for, in short, I have had to attend to the Holy Cross which has been present in my household for around a year, namely my wife’s illness, which indeed is getting worse in these days. Meanwhile, may Your Reverence continue to bestow your love upon me, commend me to God for holy patience, while conveying to you my most cordial regards, as I beg you to do on my behalf to the Most Illustrious Signor Dottor Balbi, I remain Your Reverence’s most humble, devoted and obliged servant Giuseppe Tartini Padua, 2 April 1761
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